Ritual Gypsy
Sage Wand with Amethyst
AMETHYST is a natural tranquilizer, it relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety. Alleviates sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity. Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition and enhances psychic abilities.
Our White Sage comes from the mountainous regions surrounding California where it is grown on private property, handled very carefully by trained workers and then gently prepared into bundles after it is picked. The workers know to only pick the top stalk of the plant so that more sage can continue to grow from that plant. They don’t take too much because that would hurt the plant. When the sage is picked, little pieces of the sage plant fall to the ground and new sage plants are born.
Sage has a long history of use in Egyptian, Roman, and Greek medicine. In traditional Native American culture, burning sage (smudging) is also thought to cleanse people of negativity and promote healing, wisdom, and longevity. Dried sage is burned as a way to heal, protect, increase wisdom, and boost defense against disease.
The ritual of burning sage is sacred in many communities and deserves deep respect. Conduct your smoke cleansing ritual with intention, reverence and deep gratitude to those who have done this practice before you.
1. Open a window / door before you start burning your wand.
This allows the smoke to exit your home / space.
2. Gather your supplies:
- Ritual Wand
- Fireproof vessel to burn wand in (bowl / shell)
- Fire Source (long match / lighter / candle)
3. Remove crystal and tag.
4. Before you light your wand, set your intention for your ritual. Intentions are a central practice of smoke cleansing, so take this moment to determine what you would like to cleanse, purify or release from your home / space. Use your crystal to deepen your ritual by speaking your intention into it. Then, decide what mantra, prayer, affirmation to repeat during your smoke cleansing ritual that encapsulates your intention. ex. "I let go and release what no longer serves me."
5. Light the bottom end of your Ritual Wand (burning from the bottom allows you to preserve the top portion of your wand). Light your wand at a 45 -degree angle over your fireproof vessel. Let it burn for about 20-25 seconds and then gently blow out the flame until you see embers. If it stops smoking, try lighting it again.
6. Slowly walk around your home / space. Gently waft smoke with your hand, fan or feather to guide smoke into corners. Speak (internally or aloud) and repeat your mantra, prayer, affirmation during this time.
(Be safe in this process. When smoke cleansing your home / space take care not to inhale smoke directly. If you see fallen embers, tamp them out immediately. Always be present when burning your Ritual Wand. Don't leave unattended for any reason.)
7. Extinguish your Ritual Wand. Once your smoke cleansing ritual is complete, press the burning end of your Ritual Wand firmly into your fireproof vessel, bowl, shell, or sand until it no longer smokes. When you are done using your Ritual Wand, you can keep it on display in your vessel until you are ready to use it again.
Follow the same steps as above, but determine what you would like to cleanse, purify or release from your body rather than your space. Keep the lit Ritual Wand at arm's length distance away from you and direct smoke over your body from your feet up to your head, then back down again. During your ritual, repeat your mantra, prayer, affirmation and visualize the smoke taking away all that which you desire to cleanse, purify and release.
* (Be safe in this process. Don't directly inhale smoke and ensure a safe distance from your body and hair.) Extinguish Ritual Wand once your ritual is complete.